Online judging for the subscribed aquariums
Live judging and aquascaping in Bucharest
Interactive workshop
BUCHAREST May 6th-7th-8th, 2016 during the Pet Expo 2016 event , the Kronstil Aquaristik shall
be there with a presentation stand where the new CO2 fertilization systems shall be displayed, as
well as external/ internal filters, the last generation of UV filters and may other articles.
We are expecting all aquarists interested, possessors of fresh water or sea water aquariums,
regardless of membership on forums, regardless of the preference for a certain brand and not last
you are expected to socialize and feel good together!
Registration for the WORKSHOP may be done during February 23 th, 2016 – April 25th, 2016
We shall set the themes to be debated during the 3 days of the event at the end of the registration
period, according to the interests of the participants after filling in the form.
The persons interested to attend the event can access the registration page where they will fill in the form the required data.
On entering the exhibition based on the ID card, you will receive a free admission badge inside PetExpo.
The access badge is not transferable to other people!
Repeated entry inside the exhibition during the event will be done with admission badge and an ID.
Participants who do not register on the contest page and wish to attend the event, will pay the entry ticket to the exhibition set by the Pet Expo organizer.
At the KRONSTIL AQUARISTIK booth where the event shall take place, guests shall receive the
official t-shirt with the logo of the contest, based on the admission badge.
Participants that shall wear the official t-shirt with the logo of the contest inside PET EXPO shall have
free access to coffee, drinks and snacks provided by the organizer inside the competition booth.
You are most welcome
Kronstil Aquaristik Team
Acvarist cu experienta notabila , cei 23 de ani pentru pasiune si implicare in acvaristica transformati intr-un ihtiolog deosebit!
Acvarist, biolog, arbitru international si autor al primei expozitii profesionale de acvaristica si al primei conferinte internationale de acvaristica din Romania.
Avand o experienta de 20 de ani in domeniu, Victor Zaharia este un autodidact perfectionist si un expert al plantelor acvatice.
Recomandat si recunoscut in mediul online, cu un interes deosebit pentru pentru tot ceea ce inseamna tehnic, o prezenta constanta pe forumurile
Importator si distribuitor de articole pentru acvaristica , teraristica si pond ,reprezentant in Romania pentru mai multe marci internationale cu renume in domeniu avand o experienta de 10 ani in vanzarea de articole specializate pentru acvaristica.
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